Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Mario Monti prepares Italy for more pain as violence flares in Milan.

The upper house of the Italian parliament has given a vote of confidence to the country's new prime minister, Mario Monti (Italian economist and former European commissioner). In his first day as a prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, the former one warned him that he has to be careful because he still has the majority in the senate. Monti presented his government program to the senate, carrying out another package of deficit-reduction measures, according to the European institutions, and also more reductions in order to get money and save Italy. However, this made the people go to the streets in Milan and protest because of these austerity measures and high taxes.

It is important to know the current economic situation of certain countries in Europe because of the crisis, and it is also important to note that anyone, whether politician or economist, can work miracles. The situation is awful in Italy, and it is very difficult to take measures such as raising taxes because the government needs to have money, but the population refuses to pay higher taxes and also refuses to have reductions in education, health, etc. Although Monti takes into account this last, he has said he needs to raise taxes to bring up Italy.
Moreover, Berlusconi still has the majority in the Senate, and this is very dangerous because it may come a time when Berlusconi makes use of this majority, and Monti would stop being prime minister, as Berlusconi did a few days ago. However, and this is my personal opinion, Silvio Berlusconi will not make use of it, knowing that this election of a new prime minister came from Napolitano (11th President of Italy), because if Berlusconi vote against Monti, it will be probably general elections where the Italians would not vote him and he would lose the majority.

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