Thursday, November 24, 2011

Canadians willing to pay $400k to save polar bears

A study has shown that canadians are willing to spend over 500 dollars per household to maintain the iconic polar bear. The north american country has 15,000 bears about two-thirds of the world's polar bear population. The polar bear is not just another specie under risk of extintion, but is an iconic animal that attracts tourism and has a great value as hunting game. Even a Conservative senator has declared that polar bear is even more of a national symbol than a beaver.

In my opinion the polar bear must be protected, not only based on its iconic figure but also on the fact that it is an animal at-risk. It is important to notice that canadians will only give 107 dollars to protect the beluga whale, based on the fact that it has a less symbolic importance but still is an at-risk species. I believe that there is no need to set prices on animals specially when they are at risk of extintion, and even less based on its iconic image to a country.

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