Monday, September 26, 2011

Turkish mortuary alarm to detect life among the dead

A Turkish local council has built a morgue that identifies if anyone has being buried alive.

This new type of morgue has a system that notices if there is any movement inside it and, in that case, it warns the cemetery workers.The Turkish Anatolia news agency reported the mortuary's refrigerators are sensitive to movement inside.

The alarm would be set off if any motion, even the slightest movement, is registered- as a cemetery official has explained; "If the patient, proclaimed dead by doctors, awakens from a state of unconsciousness, then we consider each and every possibility," he said.

This kind of morgue is also equipped with door handles inside the refrigerator, so in case anyone comes back to life, the possibility of get out from the morgue exists- as the official Akif Kayadarmus has added to the explanation of this new invention.

Although nowadays we have the autopsy to declare if anyone is dead and the reason of the death, it is more comforting to know you have a second chance in case the autospy does not work right. While I was reading this article, I found another one of just a couple days ago in which it was explained how a South African man woke up inside a mortuary and screamed to be let out : he spent almost 24 hours inside the morgue. It could happen to any of us...can you imagine how horrible would it be to feel you have nothing to do? The solution is perfect, even thought it is an extra funereal bill; I am sure I will not care if I have to pay some extra euros to make sure I do not spend my last hours buried alive.

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