Monday, September 26, 2011

French Left Takes Control of the Senate

For the first time since the Fifth Republic was founded in 1958, the Socialist Party has obtained the simple majority in the Senate elections that were celebrated last Sunday. The socialist candidate defends that those results show the disappointment of the french people with the government that Sarkozy promised when he was elected. Even though the french don’t elect the senators directly, and the change in the governement cannot show the real voter sentiment, we can assure that the left is growing and Sarkozy will not win easly the next presidential elections. The PS has until 2012 to convince the public that its leaders are serious and able to rule a country during the crisis. Meanwhile, Sarkozy and his party (UPM) continue explaining that the battle has just started.

I consider that the change was predictable. Seven years ago his administration was promising, but the gestures and promises are more than the facts. He has become the main figure of the french managment and his personal life has been criticized around the world. Part of his allies have been caught in different scandals or allegations of scandals, and the crisis has not helped him either. He has six months to change the image that France has of him, but since my point of view, that’s not going to be easy.

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