Monday, September 26, 2011

Beijing to hold first ever India-China strategic economic dialogue

The eagerly awaited dialogue between the emerging countries China and India will finally take place this coming week. This strategic dialogue will be held by representatives from the two nations in charge of the foreign policy and the economic sector. The conversation will be mostly focused on the macroeconomic perspective, the communication and the coordination regarding the creation of common economic policies. The main aim of this SED (Strategic Economic Dialogue) will be to boost the economic cooperation between these two countries.

In my opinion this Strategic Economic Dialogue is a big step forward in this field. However, I think that there are much more things that India and China should talk about during this conference, apart from the economy. For instance, this would be a great opportunity to talk about their frontiers in order to solve this issue that is causing too much controversy. I also believe that Western economies should be aware of this situation because if these two countries reach a strong economic agreement, they will get stronger at that would directly affect us all.

Source: The hindu:


  1. This is certainly a hugely important event, not only at the regional level but also at the international one, given that India and China together represent almost have of the world's population. An economic agreement between these Asian powers could mean an abrupt change in global economic relationships, and it is an event that we must keep in mind if we are to be professionals in the field of International Politics.

  2. As Antonio has pointed out, China and India represent a large number of the world´s population. Therefore, any kind of agreement between these two powers may originate some changes in the field of international relations. Taking into account the current economic crisis, we should follow this event and be aware of its possible consequences for the Western economies.
