Sunday, October 16, 2011

Bangladesh unveils 130 'Doel' laptops

Last week at Dhaka, Bangladesh's Prime Minister Sheikh Hashina announced the launch of 'Doel', the first laptop built in the country. According to officials, it is one of the cheapest in the world as its most basic model has a total cost of only 10,000 taka ($130). The goal is that every village in Bangladesh will be able to buy one in order to progressively achieve benefits. However, this is only the first step towards one of the most ambitious plans ever conducted by the Bangladeshi government, which by 2021 expects that all of Bangladesh will be "digitally connected". Nonetheless, this plan has been criticized because of the lack of internet connection in Bangladesh today.

On one hand, I think this plan, if successful, could bring Bangladesh closer to progress. On the other hand, there are other more relevant issues that Bangladesh should focus on, some of which include a) high unemployment rate, b) corruption, c) people living in poverty, d) low wages, etc. All of these make it quite difficult for most of the Bangladeshi to acquire a computer, and even if they were able to purchase one, the internet infrastructure in the country does not work properly. I personally believe that the government should focus on the problems already mentioned which are more relevant to the people’s quality of life rather than giving more importance to technological advances.


1 comment:

  1. I actually think this can be more usefull than what it is expected to be. For years the world has been divided between the rich and poor, however this now seems to be changing. The access to information and technology is now making the division between the developed and undeveloped even grater. These computers would in a way help in the introduction of technology to the poor and it will educate its users, since technology requires a minimun of knowlegde.
